Monday, March 10, 2008

Project Achdus


As we are all aware on Thursday night, 6 March 2008, a tragic event took place. 8 yeshiva bochurim were murdered in Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav; known as the heart of Religious Zionism. This attack has had a personal effect on me, as I lost a friend there that night, and i have decided to initiate a project in memory of the 8 bochurim, a project that encompasses everything that they were hoping to work towards. In order to preserve their memory, a few friends and I have developed a plan of building a Beis Medrash. A place where people could gather at all hours of the night to discuss Torah and learn. A place where people can come together and learn about their heritage from many aspects and angles.

The location for this Beis Medrash is in Uganda. The community there are converting Orthodox and we have been doing work with them for some time now with the permission and guidance from major Rabbonim. (We have built a poultry farm and now working on a well and Mikva) We chose them because they have a thirst for Torah and learning, but sadly they don't have access to the books, learning materials and resources that they need to quench this thirst. They also associate strongly with the Mercaz HaRav and being a Religious Zionist and they seek to approach Torah from every angle. They want to learn from everything and grow in the Torah knowledge and also in their Avodas Hashem.

This project is called "Project Achdus" as it aims to unite Jews around the world and our target is to be completed by June 2008. At times like these we don't need to sit back and blame others; we need to unite and to do something positive. We know that when the Jewish nation unites, nothing can stand in our way. We are asking for the Jewish organisations on campus/youth groups/shuls and any Jewish organisation to ask their members for a donation of just $1 (or 1 pound if in England) each, sort of like machtzis hashekel. This action will accomplish a few things.

Firstly, achdus as it will be uniting Jews of all walks of life regardless of religious affiliation and observance
Secondly, it will be causing Jews to do an extra mitzva in memory of the 8 bochurim
Thirdly, it will help us to build the Beis Medrash and thereby allow a community of 150 to learn the Torah they so desperately seek and allow the memory of the 8 bochurim and what they stood for to live on.

I encourage you to join us with this project and to help us to help others. If you have any questions or comments (always welcome), please feel free to drop me an email and I will reply as soon as possible. The list of people joining this project is growing! Check out our blog:

Yasher Koach and hoping to hear from you soon:)

Alon Asefovitz
Project Achdus Head


Traveling Chossid said...

Wow, I am for sure going to get involved in this amazing project.
Yasher Koach!

t2 said...

This is a great blog. hope u guys r able to meet ur goals. Good luck

Esther said...

Yaasher Koach, Alon for setting up this achdus project. May Hashem bless your efforts. I'm donating by visa. Good Shabbos and much hatzlocha, Esther Tauby

Abby Berman said...

yay go Alon !! :) happy to b on board :)